Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Role of Women in Germany

Bobby Backes

The role of women in Germany

            For centuries women had three “K” words that described their role in Germany. They are Kinder (children), Kirche (church), and Kuche (kitchen). Throughout the last hundred years women in Germany have won important victories for their rights. In 1919 they became eligible to vote. During World War II women had to assume positions generally held by men. After the war, women had to help rebuild the war torn Germany by simply clearing away rubble.

            In 1949 women had been declared equal to men in West Germany, but it was not until 1957 that the civil code was amended to conform to the 1949 act. In the 1950’s women code be dismissed from civil service when they married. With the lack of men after the war women had to do things that typically was done by the male once they were married.

            In the mid 1960’s women demanded the ability to be educated. By the 1970’s 53% of women were graduating from the secondary schools. Educations was not enough for these women. They demanded to work and were able to. Even though they came a long way in the last 100 years they are still not getting the credit they deserve. They are being underpaid compared to their male counter parts. They women of Germany have come a long way but they still have a long journey ahead of them.


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